Science, Technology, Health & Wellness – Interesting Ideas and Toronto News
The History of Halloween: Continue reading “Coffee Break Links – Oct 31”
Kick Anxiety. Crush Fear. Be a bigger, better version of yourself.
Science, Technology, Health & Wellness – Interesting Ideas and Toronto News
The History of Halloween: Continue reading “Coffee Break Links – Oct 31”
Fear is an insidious pest that has never been invited, but creeps into your brain at the worst possible times. Sometimes it cannot beaten by straight up cold logic. Sometimes it cannot even be beaten by proving it repeatedly wrong.
Fear is a cockroach. You can step on it in steel toed boots and it comes back. You can poison it, trap it and throw it out. It will come back.
If you are looking for patchouli and crystals and incense, keep Googling. If you are looking for practical, logical ideas about how to bring positive energy into your day, keep reading.
There is nothing wrong with being a hippie, but some of us just don’t swing that way. You do you! Many of us occasionally find ourselves feeling down, depressed, and lacking positive energy, and need solutions without making a trip to the new age store.
Science, Technology, Health & Wellness – Interesting Ideas and Toronto News
Apparently we have a 9th Planet!
Hello folks! After a few months off, this site is back on track.
I have not had a real summer vacation since I was 17 years old, so this summer I took a little time to do some writing, go on four camping trips, sketch out some self-help books, and work on a ton of personal projects.
Now I am back into the work zone – personal writing, freelance writing, and freelance graphic design.
This site should now be updated at least once a week, and I encourage you to join my email list for updates ( ) . Or you can also follow this site via WordPress.
It would be super helpful if you could share any posts you enjoy – I would love for this blog to encourage conversation. So many people are fighting fear and anxiety every day. Or some are just looking for ways to make their lives more interesting, easier, better. Please stay tuned, and let me know what you think!
The big book announcement will take place in a few weeks. Thank you for reading, and happy day!
Also, Happy Birthday to an inspirational bon vivant, David Lee Roth!
One of the things about hot yoga that freaked me out in the beginning is that you are supposed to look at yourself in the mirror for most of the 90 minute class. Ick. Unless I am busy painting my face, or checking my teeth for spinach, staring at myself in a mirror is unsettling. I have never really understood vanity, and it just makes me uncomfortable.
If you want to be a certain sort of person, you need to think about your appearance. It might seem petty but it has a huge effect on how the world treats you, how people perceive you. Also, that is the person you see every time you walk by something reflective. Do you look boring? Do you look interesting? Do you look like a librarian, a doctor, a rockstar, a genius, a punk, a goth, a professor of heavy metal studies?
If this is the way you are presenting yourself to the world, you need to take some time to analyze it. Tweak little things, or change important elements. But it absolutely must be considered.
One of the strange things I have anxiety about is letting things go. Perhaps it is because my grandmother grew up during the war, and always instilled in us the importance of making the most of every object. Maybe I am afraid that I will not have the material things I need and therefore be left unprepared, which can lead to being stressed out, embarrassed, and other nasty emotions. Maybe growing up fairly poor made me afraid that I won’t be able to purchase things I want in the future.
Continue reading “Decluttering is Hard, Giving Things Away is Easy!”
As far back as I can remember, I have been dreadfully ashamed of my teeth. I don’t recall if my baby teeth were nearly as bad, but when my adult teeth came in, you can instantly see my British heritage. (Sorry for the stereotype, but in this case it is true.)