Housework Anxiety? Tips, Tricks, and Secrets about Home Life.

I am NOT a great housekeeper. I don’t live in filth, but it’s not Martha Stewart level perfection by any stretch. It’s good enough. I realized that I have anxiety about the cleanliness level of my house, so I thought I would share some thoughts on that. I’ve certainly learned a few things about housework, and home life over the years.


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It is always okay to ask for help

It is always okay to ask for help. No matter what your current circumstances, if you need it, please ask for help, or go get it.



I recently read an article about a very famous singer who had a terrible altercation with someone at a red carpet event. She was extremely upset, and realized that she craved a drink. She left the event as soon as she could, and went to a group meeting. Continue reading “It is always okay to ask for help”

Panic Attacks & Chest Pains – Surviving Anxiety

Personal Stories of Overcoming Fear i-have-a-secret-panic-attacks-chest-pains

It happened again the other day, and the week before that. Crushing chest pains that cause a complete shock to my system, and pain that is almost unbearable. Panic attacks and chest pains are sudden, vicious things.

But I deal with it, because I’m used to this. Is truly amazing what human beings can get used to,  when they have to. Continue reading “Panic Attacks & Chest Pains – Surviving Anxiety”

New Year as a Catalyst for Change

New calendars, new schedules, new environments, new phases – these can all be signals that we need a change in our lives. Why not use the New Year as a catalyst for change?


In order to change anything about yourself, you first need to understand why you want to alter the way things are. What do you need? Does something just need improvement? Does something need to be done a completely different way to avoid a problem? Can things be more efficient? Is there a mental block that has bothered you and it is finally time to work through it?  Analyzing why you want to make a change will help you in your process.

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Fear is a JERK

Fear is an insidious pest that has never been invited, but creeps into your brain at the worst possible times. Sometimes it cannot beaten by straight up cold logic. Sometimes it cannot even be beaten by proving it repeatedly wrong.

Fear is a cockroach. You can step on it in steel toed boots and it comes back. You can poison it, trap it and throw it out. It will come back.

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Discoveries from the Mirror at Hot Yoga

One of the things about hot yoga that freaked me out in the beginning is that you are supposed to look at yourself in the mirror for most of the 90 minute class. Ick. Unless I am busy painting my face, or checking my teeth for spinach, staring at myself in a mirror is unsettling. I have never really understood vanity, and it just makes me uncomfortable.


Discoveries from Hot Yoga

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Look the Part You Want to Play

If you want to be a certain sort of person, you need to think about your appearance. It might seem petty but it has a huge effect on how the world treats you, how people perceive you. Also, that is the person you see every time you walk by something reflective. Do you look boring? Do you look interesting? Do you look like a librarian, a doctor, a rockstar, a genius, a punk, a goth, a professor of heavy metal studies?

If this is the way you are presenting yourself to the world, you need to take some time to analyze it. Tweak little things, or change important elements. But it absolutely must be considered.

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Taking Care of Yourself in an Emergency Situation

(This post was written last year)

A month ago I was coming back from a camping trip, and we blew a tire on Highway 401. Now, I am absolutely terrified of cars, and highways, so this was a traumatic episode for me – I suddenly had to remember all of those lovely hippie things like finding your centre, breathing, not clenching my neck and shoulders as my body trying to curl up into itself with absolute horror.

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3 Movies That Helped Me Analyze My Life


Defending Your Life

Defending Your Life is a movie from the early 90s about arriving in the afterlife and discovering that you must now go on trial to see if you move onward, or are sent back to earth for another lifetime there. It turns out that the point of life here on earth, since we use so very little of our brains, is to get over fear. The trials look at several points in your life, and people are judged by how they handled fear, and if they overcame it.

Continue reading “3 Movies That Helped Me Analyze My Life”