I have a secret… I am anxious, shy, and stressed. I work through this every day. So can you, if you really want to. I didn’t like the person I was destined to be, so I changed her. I’ve hacked my life, my personality, my natural tendencies. I’ve learned many things along this bizarre road from shy mouse to outgoing rocker, so I’m going to share what I can for those who might want to make a few alterations and improvements in their own lives. I’m not a life coach. I’m not an expert. I’m more like a snarky, know-it-all big sister who reads and thinks too much. How’s that? I’m a freelance writer and graphic designer – feel free to contact me at cynthia.gould@gmail.com for a quote on any upcoming projects.
My new ebook was just released – please visit NeverBeYourself.com for details and purchase links.
#AnxietySucks #Anxiety #Stress #SelfImprovement