I was speaking with someone recently, and was surprised that they did not believe that I have stage fright. I have had anxiety and social stress all of my life, but I have learned to camouflage, deflect, and power my way through it. So I am starting a new section on this blog, with personal stories of the times I have kicked my way through fear to get the job done. Surviving Anxiety has been a theme of my life, and I hope to inspire others to begin facing their own fears.

I’ve been recalling past instances when I was terrified, but stepped up and tried anyway. My parents were a bit odd in that they often didn’t tell me what to expect in new situations, they just threw me in and then corrected me when I messed up. I’m not sure how it didn’t occur to them that kids are brand new at life, and no matter how clever they are at puzzles, it would be kind to tell them what to expect in social situations they haven’t yet experienced. There were many times where my social anxiety was worsened simply because I had no idea what was going on or how to behave. It made matters worse that I was too shy to ask.
Continue reading “Surviving Anxiety – Personal Stories of Overcoming Fear – The Craft Show”